This crime story starts on the day that a 14-year old girl told local officers that she was being haunted by the ghost of a lady — first, they didn’t believe her, but later they found out the story behind this terrible happening.
This became known as the Hello Kitty Murders.
The Tortured and Raped Prostitute
Fan Man-yee was a Hong Kong woman that had a sad life to start with.
She was left alone by her family and was raised inside a house where orphans were given a place to live and to grow up.
In her young years, she used a lot of drugs and got addicted. When Man-yee was around the age of 23 years old she worked at a nightclub as a prostitute to pay for her hobbies of addiction.
In 1997 she met a man who later turned out to be someone she wished she didn’t meet.
She was a prostitute, he was a pimp and a dealer so that combination could be ideal in her eyes.
One day, she found his wallet and discovered that he had around $4000 inside it — she decided to run away with it but as soon as Man-lok, which was the name of the pimp, discovered his money was gone he hired two men to kidnap the young woman and he made her his prostitute to pay her debt off.
When they thought that making a prostitute out of her wasn’t enough the true horrors began. Man-lok and his men started to rape her, torture her, burn her skin, and beat her up.
It was truly horrible.
They even forced her to eat her bodily waste.
She Thought the Torturing Was for Fun
When Man-yee was tortured every single day for 30 days long — a 14-year old girl called Ah Fong reported this murder to the police. But she wasn’t just the one who reported it, she actively took part in the torturing.
She probably was one of Man-lok’s prostitutes as well.
The girl once visited Man-lok and his men torturing the woman and they were kicking her, Ah Fong joined them because she thought it was some kind of funny thing to do.
She was mostly hit in the head.
After that period of 30 days, she had died overnight and Ah Fong discovered this as well — Man-Lok told her that she had died from some overdoses. (She died from the torturing and other horrible events that took place).
Parts of her body were cut off and cooked by her torturers. Eventually, she was put with the garbage.
The only thing they kept was her skull.
Now the Hello Kitty part comes into play — her skull was put inside an oversized Hello Kitty doll.
Investigation and Hello Kitty Trail
Ah Fong testified against Man-lok and his men — she got protection from the local authorities for that.
She described the torture that the three guys subjected Fan Man-yee through to get rid of the haunting she claimed to be experiencing. It’s very debatable if this is true since she was there when the torturing happened and even participated.
Man-yee had been tormented in an apartment filled with Hello Kitty kitsch.
The police and medical examiners were unable to pinpoint a cause of death owing to the status of Fan Man-surviving yee’s body parts.
As a consequence, the three were found guilty of manslaughter rather than murder, since the jury decided that, although they were responsible for her death, death was not their intention.